Zhang Zhongjin and the Invention of Dumplings
What is your favorite Chinese cuisine? I bet half of the readers would say, "Dumpling!" My boss ordered dumplings for every party. My western colleagues asked me to buy frozen dumplings for them from Chinese grocery stores. After my parents-in-laws moved to live with us, my husband begged them to make authentic Shandong dumplings (from scratch) no less than twice a week. Dumplings, wrapped in dozens of ways with various stuffings, can be fried, steamed, boiled. They have been comforting and healthy food ever since a Chinese medicine doctor, Zhang Zhongjin (張仲景), invented them 2000 years ago. Zhang Zhongjin was the most exemplary Chinese physician in treating contagious diseases. During his childhood, he lost half of his family members from plagues. He devoted the rest of his life researching preventions and treatments of infectious diseases. He diligently explored medical literature published before his time for ancient remedies. At the same time, he actively outreached to...